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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Contoh Hortatory Exsposition

Watch your Kids While Watching TV
Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely "Yes" and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.
Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with the following tips:

* Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
* Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms
* Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch
* Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

The first Android device from Sony Ericsson may have undergone an upgrade in the naming department, jumping from X3 all the way to XPERIA X10 (probably to avoid confusion with Nokia's X3 handset), but what lies under the hood is reassuringly in line with what we've been hearing. That is to say, a 1GHz Snapdragon chip from Qualcomm, wide 4-inch capacitive touch display, 8.1 megapixel camera with LED flash, and a thoroughly tricked out Android skin named Rachael. Sony Ericsson stressed to us the symbiotic importance of both the new flagship device and "open OS" UI -- the X10 was presented as the patriarch of a whole new family of handsets, which we can expect to see in the first half of 2010, all sporting the beauty of Rachael and perhaps helping to bridge the gap between featurephones and, well, more advanced featurephones. So don't be shy, come along past the break to see our uncensored first impressions of both, along with hands-on video and pictures.
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 announced, we go hands on

We have to start off by noting that Sony Ericsson is calling its modified Android version the UX for now -- meaning User eXperience -- although we suspect it will revert to the more familiar Rachael naming scheme as soon as the lawyers have cleared a few hurdles and cashed a few checks. Part of a big "open OS" push by the company, this new interface will make appearances on a number of future handsets, both of the Android and Symbian persuasion, though Windows Mobile support sounded like something SE might consider only if there's much public demand for it


Samsung announces Galaxy S Android smartphone

That's right, the Galaxy S is officially official, as are its 4-inch Super AMOLED display, 1GHz processor, and "Smart Life" ecosystem integration, and more. It'll be available worldwide -- including the US -- this year, and as we type this our hard-working team on the ground is rushing off to get a hands-on with the device. In the meantime, check out the image gallery below and PR after the break.

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Contoh Analytical Exposition

Why Exercise is Important

The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many expert said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy
Being physically active offers many advantage. In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life quality and expectancy.
How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.
Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.

Pengaplikasian Sifat Koligatif dalam Kehidupan Sehari - Hari

Pengaplikasisan tekanan osmotik dalam bidang kesehatan, yaitu tekanan osmosis dalam cairan infus.
Jika seseorang memerlukan nutrisi dari injeksi cairan infus, maka tekanan osmotik cairan infus harus sesuai dengan tekanan osmotik darah (isotonik/isoosmotik). Cairan Isotonik adalah cairan infuse yang osmolaritas (tingkat kepekatan) cairannya mendekati serum (bagian cair dari komponen darah), sehingga terus berada di dalam pembuluh darah. Bermanfaat pada pasien yang mengalami hipovolemi (kekurangan cairan tubuh, sehingga tekanan darah terus menurun). Memiliki risiko terjadinya overload (kelebihan cairan), khususnya pada penyakit gagal jantung kongestif dan hipertensi. Contohnya adalah cairan Ringer-Laktat (RL), dan normal saline/larutan garam fisiologis (nacl 0,9%).

Jika tekanan dalam sel darah merah > tekanan cairan infus (hipertonik), maka air dalam sel darah merah akan keluar, sehingga sel akan mengkerut. Cairan hipertonik adalah cairan infus yang osmolaritasnya lebih tinggi dibandingkan serum, sehingga “menarik” cairan dan elektrolit dari jaringan dan sel ke dalam pembuluh darah. Mampu menstabilkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan produksi urin, dan mengurangi edema (bengkak). Penggunaannya kontradiktif dengan cairan hipotonik. Misalnya Dextrose 5%, nacl 45% hipertonik, Dextrose 5%+Ringer-Lactate, Dextrose 5%+nacl 0,9%, produk darah (darah), dan albumin.

Jika tekanan dalam sel darah merah < tekanan cairan infus (hipotonik), maka sel darah merah akan menyerap air sehingga dinding sel akan mengembang dan pecah. Cairan hipotonik adalah cairan infuse yang osmolaritasnya lebih rendah dibandingkan serum (konsentrasi ion Na+ lebih rendah dibandingkan serum), sehingga larut dalam serum, dan menurunkan osmolaritas serum. Maka cairan “ditarik” dari dalam pembuluh darah keluar ke jaringan sekitarnya (prinsip cairan berpindah dari osmolaritas rendah ke osmolaritas tinggi), sampai akhirnya mengisi sel-sel yang dituju. Digunakan pada keadaan sel “mengalami” dehidrasi, misalnya pada pasien cuci darah (dialisis) dalam terapi diuretik, juga pada pasien hiperglikemia (kadar gula darah tinggi) dengan ketoasidosis diabetik. Komplikasi yang membahayakan adalah perpindahan tiba-tiba cairan dari dalam pembuluh darah ke sel, menyebabkan kolaps kardiovaskular dan peningkatan tekanan intrakranial (dalam otak) pada beberapa orang. Contohnya adalah NaCl 45% dan Dekstrosa 2,5%.
Kesimpulan sifat koligatif tekanan osmotik berguna bagi bidang medis.
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