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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Best 5 digital cameras

As the name implies, here's where you find the best of the best, our top digital cameras across the board. To make it here, a camera really has to blow our socks off. That doesn't happen very often. If it did, our notion of "best" wouldn't mean much, would it? So check back periodically to see if any new models have left us barefoot and speechless. 

Canon EOS 5D Mark II (body only) 

A great follow-up to the 5D and top-flight full-frame camera, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II delivers the fluid shooting experience and fine photos you expect from a professional model.
Overall score: 8.6 (4.0 stars)

An excellent dSLR for experienced shooters or Nikon professionals looking for a relatively cheap option, the Nikon D7000 delivers on almost all counts, including the company's best shooting design to date.

Overall score: 8.5 (4.0 stars)

Though we'd like it to perform better, dSLR shooters looking for a sidekick camera will find the Canon PowerShot S95's top-flight photos and a full manual feature set worth the tradeoff of its compact size.

Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars)

The best interchangeable-lens compact we've see thus far, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 delivers great photo quality and performance in an enthusiast-friendly shooting experience. Like competitors, however, the lack of an optical viewfinder limits its usability for photographing action.
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars)

The pocket megazoom Kodak EasyShare Z915 is a good camera for those looking to step up from a fully automatic compact camera to something with more manual controls and a longer lens.

Very good
Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars)

Source :

Kisah Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg - Lentera Jiwa Yang Bersinar Terang Dari Kamar Asrama

Punya Facebok gak? Sepertinya pertanyaan itu menjadi hal yang wajar akhir-akhir ini setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu Friendster menjadi situs jaringan pertemanan yang menjadi popular. Siapa sangka situs jaringan pertemanan antar kalangan kampus kemudian bisa menghasilkan ajang pertemanan yang mendunia dan menjadi trend saat ini?

Mungkin ini tadinya tidak pernah diduga oleh Mark Zuckerberg, founder dan pendiri dari Facebook yang sekarang menjadi miliarder termuda di Amerika bahkan di dunia.

Facebook sebenarnya dibuat sebagai situs jaringan pertemanan terbatas pada kalangan kampus pembuatnya, yakni Mark Zuckerberg. Sebagai mahasiswa Harvard University, ia saat itu mencoba membuat satu program yang bisa menghubungkan teman-teman satu kampusnya. Karena itulah, nama situs yang digagas oleh Mark adalah Facebook. Nama ini ia ambil dari buku Facebook, yaitu buku yang biasanya berisi daftar anggota komunitas dalam satu kampus. Pada sejumlah kampus dan sekolah di Amerika Serikat, buku ini diberikan kepada mahasiswa atau staf fakultas yang baru agar bisa lebih mengenal orang lain di kampus bersangkutan.

Pada sekitar tahun 2004, Mark yang memang hobi mengotak-atik program pembuatan website berhasil menulis kode orisinal Facebook dari kamar asrama yang ditinggalinya. Untuk membuat situs ini, ia hanya butuh waktu sekitar dua mingguan. Pria kelahiran Mei 1984 itu lantas mengumumkan situsnya dan menarik rekan-rekannya untuk bergabung. Hanya dalam jangka waktu relatif singkat, sekitar dua minggu, Facebook telah mampu menjaring dua per tiga lebih mahasiswa Harvard sebagai anggota tetap.
Mendapati Facebook mampu menjadi magnet yang kuat untuk menarik banyak orang bergabung, ia memutuskan mengikuti jejak seniornya, Bill Gates, yaitu memilih drop out untuk serius mengerjakan situsnya itu. Bersama tiga rekannya, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, dan Chris Hughes, Mark kemudian membuka keanggotaan Facebook untuk umum.

Mark ternyata tak hanya sekadar nekad. Ia punya banyak alasan untuk lebih memilih serius terhadapa Facebook. Mark dan rekannya berhasil membuat Facebook jadi situs jaringan pertemanan yang segera melambung namanya, mengikuti tren Friendster yang juga berkembang kala itu. Tapi, agar punya nilai lebih, Mark pun mengolah Facebook dengan berbagai fitur tambahan yang tidak dipunyai Friendster. Dan sepertinya kelebihan fitur inilah yang membuat Facebook makin digemari. Bahkan kemudian, Friendtster pun latah mengikuti trik-trik dari Facebook. Bayangkan, ada sekita 9.373 aplikasi yang terbagi dalam 22 kategori yang bisa dipakai untuk menyemarakkan halaman Facebook, mulai chat, game, pesan instan, sampai urusan politik dan berbagai hal lainnya. Hebatnya lagi, sifat keanggotaan situs ini sangat terbuka. Jadi, data yang dibuat tiap orang lebih jelas dibandingkan situs pertemanan lainnya. Hal ini yang membuat orang makin nyaman dengan Facebook untuk mencari teman, baik yang sudah dikenal ataupun mencari kenalan baru di berbagai belahan dunia.

Sejak kemunculan Facebook tahun 2004 silam, anggota terus berkembang pesat. Prosentase kenaikannya melebihi seniornya, Friendster. Situs itu tercatat sudah dikunjungi 60 juta orang dan bahkan Mark Zuckerberg berani menargetkan pada tahun 2008 ini, angka tersebut akan mencapai 200 juta anggota.

Dengan berbagai keunggulan dan jumlah peminat yang luar biasa, Facebook menjadi ‘barang dagangan' yang laku keras. Tak heran, raksasa software Microsoft pun tertarik meminangnya. Dan, konon, untuk memiliki saham hanya 1,6 persen saja, Microsoft harus mengeluarkan dana tak kurang dari US$ 240 juta. Ini berarti nilai kapitalisasi saham Facebook bisa mencapai US$15 miliar! Tak heran, Mark kemudian dinobatkan sebagai miliarder termuda dalam sejarah yang memulai dari keringatnya sendiri.

Kejelian Mark dalam melihat peluang dan sekaligus menemukan Lentera Jiwanya memang menjadi hal yang luar biasa. Niatnya yang hanya untuk sekedar menyatukan komunitas kampusnya, berbuah manis dan berdampak besar bagi banyak orang.[dr.m]

Source :

Fakta Tentang Bill Gates

Fakta-fakta dari seorang Bill Gates:
1. Bill Gates menghasilkan US$250 setiap detiknya, itu sekitar US$20 juta sehari dan US$7,8 milyar setahun!
2. Jika dia menjatuhkan US$1.000, dia bahkan tidak perlu repot-repot lagi untuk mengambilnya kembali karena sama dengan waktu 4 detik untuk mengambil, dia sudah memperoleh penghasilan dalam jumlah yang sama.
3. Utang nasional Amerika sekitar US$5,62 trilyun, jika Bill Gates akan membayar sendiri utang itu, dia akan melunasinya dalam waktu kurang dari 10 tahun.
4. Dia dapat menyumbangkan US$15 kepada semua orang di dunia tapi tetap dapat menyisakan US$5 juta sebagai uang sakunya.
5. Michael Jordan adalah atlit yang dibayar paling mahal di Amerika. Jika dia tidak makan dan minum dan tetap membiarkan penghasilannya utuh dalam setahun sejumlah US$30 juta, dia tetap harus menunggu sampai 277 tahun agar bisa sekaya Bill Gates sekarang.
6. Jika Bill Gates adalah sebuah negara, dia akan menjadi negara terkaya sedunia nomor ke 37 atau jadi perusahaan Amerika terbesar nomor 13, bahkan melebihi IBM.
7. Jika semua uang Bill Gates ditukarkan ke dalam pecahan US$1, kita dapat menyusunnya menjadi jalan dari bumi ke bulan, 14 kali bolak balik. Tapi jalan itu harus dibuat non stop selama 1.400 tahun dan menggunakan total 713 buah pesawat Boeing 747 untuk mengangkut semua uang itu.
8. Bill Gates sekarang berumur 40 tahun. Jika kita mengasumsikan dia dapat hidup 35 tahun lagi maka dia harus membelanjakan US$6,78 juta per hari untuk menghabiskan semua uangnya sebelum dia pergi ke surga.
9. Tapi! Jika pemakai Microsoft Windows dapat mengklaim US$1 untuk setiap kali komputernya hang karena Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates akan segera bangkrut dalam waktu 3 tahun! (cax) (kpl/cax)

Best megazoom digital cameras

Large zoom ranges confer clear, tangible benefits. Though many pro photographers eschew the long focal-length lens and zoom instead with their feet, we don't all have the luxury or comfort level for in-your-face photography. A large range of focal lengths dramatically increases framing options as well as makes it possible to get recognizable people shots when trapped in the crowd, high in the bleacher seats, or at the back of the auditorium. These models all offer zooms of 10x or more, for the ultimate reach.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX5V

The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX5V has shooting options for solving common snapshot camera issues, but some users still won't be thrilled with the results.

Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7 (black) 

A very good, fully loaded compact megazoom, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7 offers a lot of shooting flexibility and a built-in GPS.
Very good
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars)

The Fujifilm FinePix F80EXR is an overall very good compact megazoom for its street price and size, though it's not without compromises.
Very good

Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars)

There's a lot to like about the Nikon Coolpix P100, but you'll need to keep your photo quality expectations in check to really enjoy it.
Very good

Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars)

The pocket megazoom Kodak EasyShare Z915 is a good camera for those looking to step up from a fully automatic compact camera to something with more manual controls and a longer lens.
Very good
Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars)

If you just want a decent compact megazoom, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS5 is one of the better options thanks to a well-rounded feature set and very good photo quality at lower ISOs.
Very good

Overall score: 7.5 (3.5 stars)

The Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZR3 has a flexible lens in a compact body and produces reliably good automatic-shooting results.
Very good
Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars)

A better-than-average megazoom choice, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ35 delivers standout video capabilities and an excellent manual feature set. Still, it suffers from a lot of the same drawbacks as its competitors, including weak photo quality.
Very good

Overall score: 7.3 (3.5 stars)

Trade-offs abound in Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-HX1 megazoom. Though it's fast and has some really novel, useful features, it just doesn't deliver the photo quality expected for its class.
Very good

The budget-friendly Canon PowerShot SX130 IS is a solid, compact megazoom for those who prize creative control and photo quality more than fast shooting performance or a small, lightweight design.
Very good
Overall score: 7.2 (3.5 stars)

Source :

10 virus komputer mematikan

1. Conficker
Virus luar berteknologi canggih ini memang menyebar luar biasa. Bentuknya yang merupakan file DLL (Dynamic Link Library) membedakannya dengan kebanyakan virus lain yang berupa EXE. Kemampuan yang dimilikinya juga bisa disetarakan dengan rootkit. Serta, sifatnya ber-polymorphic
membuatnya memiliki tubuh yang berubah-ubah. Pada komputer terinfeksi, user tidak akan dapat membuka situs yang “berbau” antivirius atau Microsoft update. Virus ini juga aktif menyebar di Indonesia dengan menggunakan media removable disk misalkan flash disk. Pada flash disk terinfeksi, Anda akan

menemukan file autorun.inf dan direktori RECYCLER yang di dalamnya terdapat sub-direktori dengan nama misalkan S-5-3-42-2819952290-8240758988-879315005-3665, dan pada direktori inilah terdapat file virus Conficker dengan nama biasanya jwgkvsq.vmx yang sebenarnya adalah file DLL.

2. Autoit varian
Hampir kebanyakan varian dari virus import berbasis script ini menggunakan icon mirip seperti folder. Virus ini memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan auto update ke beberapa situs. Ia juga dapat memanfaatkan Yahoo! Messenger sebagai media perantara penyebarannya dengan mengirimkan pesan berisi link ke setiap contact person yang ada di Y!M korban.

3. Yuyun.vbs
Virus yang diciptakan menggunakan Visual Basic Script ini berukuran sekitar 9KB. Pada komputer terinfeksi ia akan membuat banyak sekali file duplikat di setiap folder yang ia temukan dengan nama file autorun.inf, Thumb.db, dalam kondisi ber-attribut hidden, dan sebuah shortcut dengan nama Microsoft. Jika shortcut tersebut diakses, dia memang akan menuju ke suatu folder, tapi dibalik itu virus tersebut juga akan aktif. File Thumb.db disini juga bukan merupakan file milik Windows, tapi melainkan file script virus. Pada komputer terinfeksi juga akan ditemukan sebuah file pesan virus pada direktori Temp user. Di direktori ini juga akan ditemukan file lain yakni script virus yang sudah dalam kondisi ter-decrypt. Karena perlu Anda ketahui bahwa virus ini memang hadir dalam kondisi ter-enkripsi.

4. Recycler varian
Yang menjadi ciri khas dari virus ini adalah teknik bagaimana ia menyebar. Yakni “ngumpet” dalam direktori Recycler/Recycler/Recycle Bin. Ia juga diketahui menerapkan teknik code injection agar kode virus bisa “nyangkut” pada explorer.exe. Ini dilakukannya untuk mempersulit user maupun program antivirus sekalipun untuk membunuhnya.

5. Malingsi varian
Virus bertubuh gemuk dengan ukuran besar, contoh pada salah satu varian memiliki ukuran 705.312 bytes. Ia dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic yang di-pack menggunakan PECompact. Sepertinya virus ini ditujukan untuk menyerang virus lain, ini terlihat dari pesan yang ada di tubuhnya. Virus ini berkembang biak dan menyebar menggunakan perantara mIRC, yang bertindak sebagai Bot.

6. FreeMine
irus lokal ini dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic dengan ukuran file sekitar 68KB tanpa di-pack. Ciri virus ini, iconnya menyerupai Microsoft Word. Saat aktif di memory, ia akan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya dengan men-terminate setiap aplikasi yang ada dalam daftar black-list di tubuhnya, seperti contohnya Process Explorer. Ia juga dapat menyebar melalui media removable disk, dan pada removable disk terinfeksi akan terdapat file autorun.inf dan Free_Mine.exe.
nah untuk teman-temen silahkan waspadai apabila computernya ada yang terjangkit virus tersebut, semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi semuanya, terutama bagi teman-teman yang tiap harinya bergelut dengan comp

7. PisangBakar
Icon yang digunakan virus ini mirip dengan aplikasi WinAmp atau file mp3. Ia dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic dengan ukuran tubuh sekitar 182KB, di-pack menggunakan UPX. Saat menginfeksi komputer, ia akan mencari file .MP3 untuk kemudian dibuat duplikatnya dengan menyerupai nama yang sama, namun dengan extension .EXE. Begitu pula saat menginfeksi flash disk, ia akan membuat sebuah folder baru dengan nama “Lagu baru” yang di dalamnya berisi file “Marley-Bird Of Paradise.Exe”. Pada root drive C: akan ditemukan file “Info Pisang Bakar.Txt” yang berisi pesan dari si pembuat virus, selain itu ada juga file “Pisang Bara.Exe”.

8. Vires varian
Vires atau dikenal juga dengan nama Latifah,dibuat menggunakan visual basic, di-pack menggunakan UPX. Virus ini menyerupai icon seperti layaknya dokumen Microsoft Word. Pada komputer terinfeksi akan ada file C:\L@tif@h.html yang berisi pesan dari pembuat virus

9. WSar.D
Seperti varian sebelumnya, ia masih dibuat menggunakan VB. Varian ini memiliki ukuran sekitar 108KB, murni tanpa di-pack. Karena icon yang digunakan adalah icon mirip folder, saat beraksi, ia akan mencari folder pada setiap drive yang ada di komputer korban, dan membuat duplikat dirinya dengan nama sama seperti folder asli.

10. Labunreke
Virus lokal yang satu ini akan menyembunyikan file dokumen Microsoft Word, file MP3, JPG, dan 3GP milik Anda. Selain itu pada komputer korban, ia akan mencoba membuat beberapa user account baru seperti kacian, bundrekev, dan la_kalasi. Pada saat startup juga akan menampilkan pesan seperti “Selamat, PC Anda sedang terinfeksi. Data-data loe semuanya aman koq, tapi gue sembunyiin…. ^_^“. Dan masih ada beberapa hal jail lainnya. So, hati-hati jika menemukan file executable yang mirip WinAmp atau file MP3 dengan ukuran sekitar 421KB.
Source here

Narrative text : “Golden Eggs”

Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”
A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.

Source here

Contoh / Example of Discussion Text on" Nuclear Power"

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956.
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:
  • It costs about the same coal, so it is not expansive to make.
  • It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
  • It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.
  • It produces small amount of waste.
  • It is reliable.
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident.
People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.

Note on the Generic Structure of Discussion Text
Discussion is a process to find the meet point between two different ideas. It is important to to get the understanding between the two differences. In many social activities, discussion is the effective way to calm down any friction and difference in thought, perception and recommendation.
This example of discussion text present the two poles, between the advantage and disadvantage of using nuclear plant to fulfill the energy needed. It is a case which need to be talked and discussed from two points. They are represented in the generic structure which is used:
Stating the Issue: In the first paragraph, it is stated that using nuclear power can be the choice in fulfilling the needed energy.
Supporting Point: In the second paragraph, it is presented the advantages of nuclear power plant to be used as the source of the world's energy needed
Contrastive Point: The third paragraph shows the balance. It gives the contradictory idea in using nuclear power plant as the resource of energy.
Recommendation: This text is ended with a similar recommendation on how people should concern in the matter of nuclear energy. 

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Contoh / Example Descriptive Text on Jatim Park

For people in East Java, Jatim Park may have been heard many times as it is one of the famous tourism object in East Java province. Jatim Park offers a recreation place as well as a study center.

Jatim Park is located at Jl. Kartika 2 Batu, East Java. To reach the location is not too difficult because the object is only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city. This Jatim Park tourism object is about 22 hectares width.

Visitor can enjoy at least 36 kinds of facilities which can attract them as well as give new knowledge. Just after the pass gate, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’ area. This study offering continues to step on ‘Taman Sejarah’ area, which contains of miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple, customhouse of Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.

The other facility which is able to be enjoyed is ‘Agro Park’ area. It presents crop and rareness fruits, animal diorama which consists of unique animals that have been conserved, and supporting games like bowling, throw ball, scooter disco, etc

Jatim Park is suitable for family and school recreation. The recreation area sites offer precious tour and can used as alternative media of study.

Source here

Cara Mengetahui Posisi Di Google

SEO adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam sebuah web. Untuk menjaring trafic yang banyak dibutuhkanlah tehnik-tehnik SEO yang sangat powerful (saya sendiri masih hitam-putih tentang SEO,, Hehehe)
Untuk mengetahui SEO kita sukses apa tidak kita harus melakukan pengecekan dengan google atau search engine lainnya. Kalau halaman web/blog kita berada di halaman pertama dan berada di paling atas, berarti SEO kita sukses namun bila berada di halaman seterusnya dan seterusnya berarti kita harus belajar lagi, bukan berarti kia tidak sukses,, (kaya saya ini) Hehehe

Sekarang temen-temen pasti penasaran dong dengan posisi blog temen-temen ada di urutan keberapa?? Untuk mengetahuinya, biasanya temen-temen harus buka Google dulu lalu ketikkan keywordnya lalu cari apakah website kita terlisting di halaman depan apa dihalaman berikutnya,,dan berikutnya,,
Terus bagaimana kalau dihalaman ratusan?? mau buka satu per satu?? PR banget siii,, Hehehe

Kini temen-temen ga usah khawatir, sekarang sudah ada sebuah SEO Tool gratis yang canggih untuk memonitor posisi website kita di search engine Google, namanya Free Monitor for Google.

Apa fungsi software Free Monitor fo Google ini? Anda bisa menemukan posisi website anda di Google Top untuk kewyord-keyword yang anda tentukan. Google Monitor akan meng-query Google dan memperlihatkan kepada anda dimana posisi website anda untuk keyword yang anda target dan tentunya juga anda bisa memonitor seberapa baik posisi pesaing anda. Software Free Monitor for Google ini juga dapat menyimpan statistik untuk beberapa URL dan beberapa daftar keyword.

Beberapa fitur utama “Free Monitor for Google”:
Memonitor ranking website di Google
Mendukung lebih dari 50 negara (termasuk Indonesia/
Mendukung multi URL
Dapat bekerja melalui proxy
Hasilnya bisa di-Export ke CSV
Bisa meng-Import keywords dari file text
Bisa dijalankan melalui Google Web API
Mendukung Unicode

Langsung aja dicoba dan lihat seberapa berhasil SEO anda,,

Download Free Monitor For Google

Source :

Menulis Artikel Blog Secara Offline | W Bloggar

Menulis Artikel Blog Secara Offline, mungkin dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Mulai dengan menggunakan notepad, wordpad sampai dengan menggunakan microsoft office word. Tapi apakah itu efektif??? Mungkin jawaban nya bisa YA dan bisa TIDAK. tergantung setiap individu tentunya. Hehehe

Kalau menurut saya sendiri, cara itu cukup efektif tapi juga kurang efektif. Nah loh?? Terus bagaimana dengan sobat-sobat bloggers??? Sudah pada tahu belum kalau ada sebuah tools yang dapat melakukan hal tersebut?? sebenarnya tools kaya gini ada banyak sob di internet, tapi kalau yang ini paling T.O.P lah diantara semuanya. Hehehe
Tools ini bernama W Bloggar, dengan w bloggar kita dapat menulis artikel secara offline, dan tentunya disertai dengan fitur-fitur seperti blog itu sendiri.
Wbloggar mensupport beberapa blog dan CMS diantaranya,
Nucleus CMS
Community Server
BlogEngine.NET New!
dan tentunya blogger/blogspot yang kita cintai ini. Hehehe

Tertarik?? Download aja, 100% Free.
Download now

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Ablewise | Tool Buat Memprediksi PageRank

PageRank, semua sobat blogger pasti sudah tau apa itu pagerank?? Bisa dikatakan pagerank merupakan sebuah hadiah yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh blogger di seluruh dunia. Karena hampir seluruh blogger pasti menginginkan reputasi yang diberikan oleh paman google tersebut. Percaya atau tidak, pagerank lah yang menentukan blog tersebut sudah besar atau belum.

Sebelum saya lanjutkan, saya ingin memberitahukan bahwa artikel ini saya tulis karena saya terinspirasi dari artikel sobat Rizky2009 (Thanks sob buat artikelnya,,).

Pada umumnya cara yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui PR blog kita ialah lewat bantuan tool dari Itukan untuk mengetahui PR. Terus, adakah tool yang dapat memprediksi pagerank blog kita?? Jawabannya, ada sob. Tool ini bisa sobat blogger coba di Sobat blogger hanya perlu memasukan URL blog sobat, dan tunggu deh hasilnya.

Source :

Ebook Dasar-Dasar JavaScript

Untuk menghilangkan rasa jenuh, hari ini saya akan share ebook buat memperdalam pemrograman web sobat blogger. Ebook ini membahas dasar-dasar javascript (pengenalan javascript). Buat sobat blogger yang tertarik, silahkan di cek,,

Judul asli dari ebook ini ialah JavaScript Guide. Ebook ini di buat oleh Desrizal. Menurut saya ebook ini cocok banget buat sobat blogger yang ingin belajar javascript, karena ebook ini memang dibuat untuk sobat blogger yang ingin belajar javasrcipt benar-benar dari dasar.
Ebook Dasar-Dasar JavaScript
Daftar Isi Ebook JavaScript Guide :
  1. Pengenalan Javascript
  2. Penanganan Event
  3. Objek String
  4. Objek Window
  5. Array
  6. Tanggal dan Waktu
  7. Dynamic HTML
  8. Penanganan Form
Daftar isi di atas tidak semuanya saya sebutkan sob, setiap judul di atas, ada sub-subnya lagi.

Selamat belajar,,

Password :
Download Ebook Dasar-Dasar JavaScript

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Samsung Galaxy Tab vs. Apple iPad: Specs Compared

See Samsung’s up-and-coming Android tablet measured up next to the reigning champ, as we compare Samsung’s Galaxy Tab vs. the Apple iPad from a specifications perspective.
What the heck is a tablet computer?
Mainstream America might never have known before Apple bushwhacked its way through technical barriers, misconceptions and skeptics stake its claim on tablet computing with the iPad. The breakthrough tablet, which Apple still struggles to keep in stock, dodged mistakes made by previous tablets by making computing with your fingers easy, relatively inexpensive , and above all, fun.
But no company can dominate an entire market forever – even one that essentially created it. Having eyed Apple enviously for months, other companies are now attempting to elbow their way in on the tablet space. And Samsung is among the first to the table with the Galaxy Tab. Can the supersized version of the company’s successful Galaxy S smartphones compete? We stacked it side by side with the Apple iPad to find out.


Winner: Samsung Galaxy Tab
No denying it: The iPad is a bit of a heifer. By laptop dimensions, 1.5 pounds sounds phenomenally light, but hold it in your hands for a while, and you’ll realize a 1.5-pound book starts to feel heavy fast. The Samsung Galaxy Tab drops weight to just 0.84 pounds, while shrinking by several inches in width and height as well, due to the smaller screen.


Winner: To be determined
Apple shocked audiences at its iPad launch by announcing that the cheapest iPad would go for only $499, making it one of the most affordable items in the Apple catalog. While we still don’t have full pricing information for the Galaxy Tab, rumors suggest it may be equal or potentially even higher. Rumors have pointed to €699 ($890) for the 16GB version and €799 ($1,020) for the 32GB version, and converting the pre-tax Swedish price puts it around $930. But since it’s all complete hear-say for the moment, it remains to be seen whether the Galaxy Tab will really arrive at a competitive price point.


Winner: Draw
Comparing the Apple iPad and Galaxy Tab in the speed department at this point is a lot like comparing identical twins on the track: Clearly, one must be faster, but you know they’re going to be neck and neck, and they’ve yet to race. Apple’s A4 processor is derived from the same A8 Cortex CPU the Galaxy Tab uses, so they’re essentially family. In our comparison of the iPhone 4 and A8-powered Captivate, we had to declare a draw considering both seemed to excel in different areas. We’ll do the same here.


Winner: Apple iPad
As far as LCD screens go, the iPad sports one of the best in the business. Besides efficient LED backlighting and a generous 9.7-inch span, it uses in-plane switching (IPS) technology, which gives it a viewing angle unrivalled by the cheaper twisted-nematic (TN) screens used in most other devices. The Galaxy Tab offers a 16:9 display ratio, which is preferable for watching movies, but it also reduces resolution (from 1024 x 768 on the iPad to just 1024 x 600) and shrinks to just 7 inches across. Less resolution, smaller size, and inferior technology? I think we know which we would prefer to watch last week’s Mad Men on, thank you.


Winner: Apple iPad
At present, Apple’s App Store contains over 25,000 iPad apps, and it can also leverage any of the 225,000 iPhone apps available. Even if all 70,000 smartphone apps in the Android market play nicely with Galaxy Tab, it will remain at a severe disadvantage beside the iPad just by virtue of sheer volume. Worse, developers can be expected to develop tablet-optimized Android apps when the size and specs on each Android tablet will vary.


Winner: Draw
Samsung matches the middle-of-the-line Apple iPad with 32GB of internal storage, and leaves room to match the king-sized 64GB version with a microSD slot capable of tacking on another 32GB – if you can afford the card. Which sets you up with the memory you need for cheaper? Until we know the price on the Samsung, it’s a draw, but Apple’s propensity to overcharge for memory and the continually dropping price of SD cards suggests the Galaxy Tab will be the victor.


Winner: Samsung Galaxy Tab
How did Apple miss the boat on adding a camera to the iPad? You’ll have to ask Steve Jobs, but Samsung apparently has itself put together a little better. The Galaxy Tab includes both a 3-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 1.3-megapixel front-facing cam for videoconferencing. It will even capture 720p HD video. Samsung 1, Apple 0.


Winner: To be determined
We certainly can’t muster much praise for Apple’s choice to marry the iPad to AT&T, but we still have not a clue which carriers will pick up the Galaxy Tab. Rumors seem to swing from Verizon to Sprint and back again, even swaying into 4G territory now and then, but nothing is for certain. 4G connectivity would certainly net the Galaxy a win here, but until we know, it’s a draw.


Winner: Apple iPad
Samsung hasn’t released full details on battery life from the Galaxy Tab just yet, but from what we know so far, the iPad looks like a winner here. The company claims its 4,000mAh battery will give the Tab seven hours of video playback, while Apple claims the iPad can do 10 – a claim we verified in our own testing. While that’s only one aspect of performance, we’re giving it to Apple until Samsung can defy expectations and outsurf or outread the long-lasting iPad.

Media Support

Winner: Samsung Galaxy Tab
How can any device hope to compete with Apple’s legacy when it comes to music and video? Well, Flash, for one. The Galaxy Tab will support it, while the iPad infamously will not. Along the same lines, Samsung claims it will handle formats such as DivX, Xvid and WMV that the iPad does not natively support.


On the surface, Samsung’s Galaxy is merely a smaller iPad running Android. And truth be told, we doubt it will offer much temptation to current iPad users, who are probably too busy luxuriating in 25,000 iPad-optimized apps to notice. But look a little deeper, and you’ll find some important reasons not to dismiss the Galaxy Tab altogether. It takes photos. It videoconferences. It plays content – including Flash content – that the iPad will not.
For iPad bystanders who dislike the idea of buying into Apple’s closed ecosystem, those make some compelling points. If Samsung can manage to position the Tab on a superior network – like Verizon – and sell it at a competitive price point, it may present iPad naysayers a genuine alternative. But with those pivotal last points still question marks, we’ll save our pick for overall winner until we have the full picture.

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Cutting-edge network not quite ready for prime time
The HTC EVO 4G "offers a big, beautiful, and powerful window" to the online world, says Sascha Segan at As the first 4G (fourth generation) network device in the U.S., the EVO raises the bar with "much faster" web pages, e-mail and skip-free Internet video, says David Pogue at The New York Times. It also touts massive specs: a 4.3-inch display (larger than the iPhone's), hotspot abilities, speech recognition, Flash Lite, dual cameras, video calling, HD video and an HDMI port. Most reviewers regard the EVO as the most powerful Android smartphone, putting it in the pantheon with the HTC Incredible (*Est. $150 with contract) and Apple iPhone 4 (From $200 with contract). Still, the EVO isn't flawless, and Pogue says the "groundbreaking features come with enough fine print to give the White Pages an inferiority complex."
Sprint brands the HTC EVO as the "first" 4G device, even though only 32 metro areas have such coverage and the smartphone switches over to 3G otherwise. The phone uses WiMAX technology to access 4G, but it's solely for data downloads and not phone calls, and WiMAX technology fizzles in urban landscapes. Chris Ziegler at says "we found ourselves getting four bars of 4G walking down the street, then ducking into a coffee shop and dropping to just one or even no bars at all." Sprint also charges EVO owners an additional $10 a month for WiMAX. CNET's Bonnie Cha considers the extra fee reasonable, but says that "making it mandatory for everyone, regardless of whether you live in a 4G market or not, seems unfair."
EVO packs impressive hardware and blazing processor 
However, 4G delivers when available. "Hell, it was straight-up epic," says Ziegler. Web pages load "anywhere from 40 to 250 percent faster," and videos on the YouTube HQ player are a "huge improvement" over 3G, says Segan, although Cha reports breaks and syncing problems streaming Sprint TV. Critics appreciate being able to use voice and data at the same time in dual 3G/4G coverage areas and say 3G call quality is good. They also rave about the hotspot app, which lets you share your web connection with up to eight devices at a time compared to five on the Palm Pre Plus (free with contract). However, the hotspot costs extra (*Est. $30 a month), and the EVO's multimedia features take a toll on battery life. The gauge "practically shrivels as you're looking at it," says Pogue, and an overwhelming number of nearly 700 users at share the pain.
On the hardware side, the EVO "isn't what you'd call a dainty phone," says Cha. At 2.6 inches, it's thicker than the HTC HD2 (*Est. $100 with contract) but packs a stunning 4.3-inch touch screen (800 pixels by 480 pixels) that's "to die for," says Lisa Gade of There's also an Android music player, and the 8-megapixel camera does "a better job than most camera phones," says Cha. Experts are smitten by the handy kickstand for propping up the EVO to watch movies and TV, but most say the video-calling apps (Qik and Fring) are too complicated. Likewise, Pogue says Flash Lite works "sometimes," which is more than the Apple iPhone 3GS ($200). However, experts are unanimous on one count: the EVO is fast. It has the latest Android 2.1 OS enhanced with the highly praised HTC Sense user interface, plus the same 1 GHz Snapdragon processor as the Incredible, HTC HD2 and Google Nexus One. Yet somehow, the EVO manages to be "the fastest in the pack," says Gade.
Professional reviews from CNET, and test and compare the HTC EVO 4G to rival smartphones such as the HTC Droid Incredible, Google Nexus One and Apple iPhone 3GS (the iPhone 4 was not yet released). Rounding out our sources are user reviews from, which reveal problems that surface with extended use.

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Double Your Paid Search Clicks Without Raising Your Budget

The keyword phrases to use for your PPC account aren't always obvious.  A key to great ROI and customer loyalty is to have customers think that you're the only viable solution to their problem at a given time.  Therefore, the challenge in keyword research is not coming up with keywords.  That's the easy part.  You just scan the website and use the product names and there you go...a keyword list.
The challenge is in exploiting markets that become successful that competitors may not have thought of.  That's why it's important to always be practicing keyword discovery and exploring phrases that might work well by always testing.
This comes by developing correlations between what you're offering and phrases that searchers may be typing.  This brainstorming may be one of the best investments of your time.  Although search is about delivering the right solution at the precise time that a searcher is looking, there are keywords markets out there where you may be able to distract a searcher from the information they thought they wanted.  After all, people don't always know what they're looking for.
If you continue to add new groups of experimental words, you will discover less expensive markets that will work for you.  Once you've identified your target markets, the game becomes a strategic brainstorming exercise of imagining their online search behavior.  Whatever your field, make it your goal to double your click volume, targeting extremely targeted searchers, on keywords that should be priced at rock-bottom levels (due to other advertisers being too lazy to do this).  In most cases, your ROI will improve substantially.
For example, let's say you have a site that sells iphone apps.  Many of your keyword choices will be obvious - "best iphone apps, cool iphone apps, must have iphone apps, etc."  But, what about markets that aren't quite what people are looking for, but you may be able to turn into a profitable market for your business?  How about how to unlock iphone?  Take a look at your competition here -
how to unlock iphone competition.png
Look at this cheap real estate!  You could write an ad like "Unlock Your iphone - Then load it here with the best apps on the market."  Now, I'm not saying that the majority of your business will come this way, or even that this specific keyword phrase would actually reach this advertiser's marketing goals, but the prices of your clicks here will be way lower than on any "iphone app" keywords and if you can pull a good enough CTR and conversion rate, you're in business.
The one thing I do know about your results here is that if you don't try it, it won't work.

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